About Ancient Roads

Hi, I'm Chris Struble (rhymes with ruble). I write speculative fiction and compose music from the worlds I create. I live near Seattle with my wife, nephew, adult son, and our cat.

I’ve had a lifelong love of both speculative fiction and music, and made my first attempts at writing both in high school. Once I saw fiction writing and music writing as separate hobbies that competed with each other. Then I found a way to connect them together.

In 2018 I started writing what became my first novel, Shield of the Goddess. After finishing the first draft of the novel in 2022, and two more years of polishing, I decided to self-publish it here as a web serial starting in February 2025.

The novel started with music. The prayers and spells in the book are original songs I wrote, inspired by my studies of ancient music. I'll release the songs from the novel here too. Subscribers will be able to hear what they sound like.

Curious? Subscribe today, and you'll get full access to the chapters and songs as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available.

I will release at least one chapter a month, and any song that appears in the chapter. I'll also post musings on writing fiction, writing music, and the crossroads where they meet.

Check out my Books and Music pages to see organized lists of everything I have published here to date.

See you on the road.

Chris Struble

Seattle, Washington USA

February 2025

Lyre icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

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