Wanderer's Tales #1 - Going Forth

Welcome to the launch edition of Wanderer's Tales, the newsletter of Ancient Roads. In this edition is the first chapter of Shield of the Goddess, the adult fantasy novel I am releasing here as a serial in 2025.

Welcome to the launch edition of Wanderer's Tales, the newsletter of Ancient Roads.

In this edition is the first chapter of Shield of the Goddess, the adult fantasy novel I am releasing here as a serial in 2025.

Book: Shield of the Goddess: Chapter One - Shala
SHALA WAS TEN when she started hearing voices in her head. It began on a spring morning, when she was walking alone…

If you read a lot of speculative fiction like me, you've probably read a book or short story with a song in it. If you love music, you may have imagined a tune to go with the song. If you're a musician like me, you might have even written sheet music of your tune to the author's song (yes, I have actually done this).

But how do you find out what the author imagined the song to sound like?

Well, if the author was also a composer who wrote music for the songs in the book, and released the music at the same time as the book, you could just listen to it.

Try it. Read the chapter, then listen to the music. For the complete experience, sing it to yourself.

Music: Song of the Daughter
Song of the Daughter is a song that appears in Chapter One of my adult fantasy novel Shield of the Goddess…

I will release at least one chapter a month, and any song that appears in the chapter. I'll also post musings on writing fiction, writing music, and the crossroads where they meet.

If you want to keep reading and listening, please subscribe to stay up to date and receive emails when I publish new content!

Check out my Books and Music pages to see organized lists of everything I have published here to date.

See you on the road!

Chris Struble