Wanderer's Tales #2 - Crossroads

Welcome to Issue 2 of Wanderer’s Tales, the newsletter of Ancient Roads. In this issue is Chapter Two of Shield of the Goddess.

Wanderer's Tales #2 - Crossroads
Image Credit: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d2/Flickr_-_Laenulfean_-_crossroads.jpg

Welcome to Issue 2 of Wanderer’s Tales, the newsletter of Ancient Roads, the web site of Seattle writer and composer Chris Struble. Wanderers welcome.

In this newsletter is Chapter Two of Shield of the Goddess, the adult fantasy novel I am releasing here as a serial in 2025.

The theme of this edition is “crossroads”.

To ancient people, crossroads sometimes represented a location "between the worlds" where spirits can be contacted and paranormal events can take place.

To modern people, crossroads are intersections where we have to make choices about the direction to take in life.

A choice I made is to require a subscription to read Chapter Two and any later chapters. This is not a paywall. It helps you by ensuring you get my latest updates, and helps me to build my readership as an author.

Another choice was to use simple chapter titles with the chapter number followed by the name of the viewpoint character. Each chapter will have only one person’s point of view. Then the next chapter may have a different character’s point of view.

At the bottom of each chapter you will see bow and arrow icons, which will take you the next chapter or the previous one, if there is one.

I will release at least one chapter a month, and any song that appears in the chapter. I'll also post musings on writing fiction, writing music, and the crossroads where they meet.

Check out my Books and Music pages to see organized lists of everything I have published here to date.

And if you haven’t already, please subscribe to stay up to date and receive emails when I publish new content!

See you on the road!

Chris Struble

Book: Shield of the Goddess: Chapter Two - Shala
THE TOWN ELDERS DID NOT COME looking for Shala the next day. She spent the day in the workshop with her mother…