Wanderer's Tales #3 - Milestones

Welcome to Issue 3 of Wanderer’s Tales, the newsletter of Ancient Roads. In this issue is Chapter Three of Shield of the Goddess.

Wanderer's Tales #3 - Milestones
Photo by Steven Brown / Unsplash

Welcome to Issue 3 of Wanderer’s Tales, the newsletter of Ancient Roads, the web site of Seattle writer and composer Chris Struble.

Here you will find fantasy fiction set in ancient worlds where music makes magic, and the road ahead is always uncertain. Wanderers welcome.

In this newsletter is Chapter Three of Shield of the Goddess, the adult fantasy novel I am releasing here as a web serial in 2025.

Book: Shield of the Goddess: Chapter Three - Shala
SHALA’S FOURTEENTH WINTER passed slowly for her. She felt trapped in the moment of jumping…

Also new on the website is The People and Places of Shield of the Goddess, a guide to the names in the book and how to pronounce them.

Book: Shield of the Goddess: Annex: People and Places
The people and places of Shield of the Goddess and how I pronounce them.

The theme of this issue is “milestones”.

To ancient people, milestones were road markers that told travelers where they were and how far they had come and how much further they had to go.

The Roman Empire often gets the credit for inventing milestones, but other civilizations had them earlier, including the Royal Road of the Persian Empire, and probably much earlier than that.

To modern people, milestones can refer to highway signs. They can also refer to accomplishments in life or in business or simple markings of time such as birthdays and anniversaries. Milestones of this kind give people opportunities to celebrate and reflect.

Today I want to celebrate the milestone of reaching six subscribers. I am reaching out to family and friends and they are starting to sign up. Thank you and welcome!

Check out my Books and Music pages to see organized lists of everything I have published here to date.

Please subscribe to stay up to date and receive emails when I publish new content!

See you on the road!

Chris Struble